Belleville Fire Company
Belleville Fire Company - Proudly serving Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Proudly Serving Union Township, Mifflin County, PA
Since 1920


The Belleville Fire Company provides assistance for residents that need large quantities of water to refill their swimming pools. Tanker 24 can provide 3,000 gal. of water per load.

Water can be either hydrant or creek water.  Typically, the water is from a hydrant but creek water can be requested instead for a lower cost. For rates, call the Station at 717-935-2633.

To request a fill, please complete the form below. Please contact us far enough in advance to allow for scheduling of a driver.


Pool Fill Request

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Address, Date/Time for Delivery, Approximate # of gallons: